Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Photos

Ok, I admit it....
It only took me 45 minuets and voila! A nicely shaved cat was born! :) (however I do need to redo his tummy, I missed a few spots..heehee)
But as for my poor yorkie, Miss Lula Belle...she got the blunt of it. I thought my grooming "talents" were good until I saw the end results with her :( She has now transformed from a cute little yorkie, to what some might call "just an ugly dog". At first I looked at her and said "well she doesn't look TOO bad", then after just plane stairing at her thinking "yeah, I hacked her up!" She kind of resembles a brussels griffin, if you know what they look like... Eric yelled at me when he saw her...LOL He's now ashamed to be seen in public with her and I think she has a complex about how she looks now too. My poor Lula. The only thing she has working for her, is her hair grows quickly.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My wedding day
So as for the weeding and reception we had a blast. As the night drew near, a close couple (Chris & Amy, who I have known for AGES!) decided to stay a little longer after everyone left. Eric and Chris kept downing the wine and champagne....bbbiigggg mistake. Around 9pm the 4 of us left to go back to our house. Here are the results: heeheehee
He will probably kill me for blogging about these pictures, but hey! Hes the one who should of known better!! :P
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tomorrow is the big day!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Rescue Pet's Christmas Poem
-Author Unknown
If you are considering adding to the family this holiday season, PLEASE think about going to your local animal shelter/ rescue. Too many animals are still waiting for that second chance at life...
Monday, December 15, 2008
The count down begins

Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The stress of wedding planning
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Boys will boys
Monday, December 1, 2008
It was bound to happen :-/
And today Eric and I went and filed for our marriage license. We have a 3 day waiting period, then we will be having a shot-gun wedding! :P No, not really, but its gonna be close. Since we are doing it before Christmas, which is right around the corner, it will be a small and intimate wedding with family and very few close friends. I'm sure it will be nice!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Late Saturday night post
I managed to talk my mom into keeping Jayden tonight so Eric and I had a date night. We had it all planned: Nice dinner (which we went to Olive Garden), a movie (went and saw the new James Bond...it was decent) and to top off the night I was supposed to get a foot and back rub. Did it happen, no. The butthead was complaining he was tooo tired (I try explaining to him that this happens when he stays up for 20 hours every night playing his dingy computer game)! So he's sleeping and I'm blogging. UGH what a bad date he is! After all I have only gained almost 15 pounds carrying his daughter!! (I say this in a smart a$$ way, I mind you) Lord knows, I dont need it. O well, there is payback for it :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
My cat's intuition
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A nice day...gone
Needless to say, he's on s*it list because of this. I wanted to go start the baby registry at Target then just go window shopping at the new outdoor mall down from my house, but nnnoooo, I will be by myself, what a loser he can be some times!!!! And to top things off, he ate my friggin' left overs from dinner the other night...MY LEFT OVERS!!! And we have nothing eles in the frige except a box of mac n cheese and some lunch meat....o yum :-/ You would think by now, he would know not to touch a pregnant woman's food!!! eeerrrggg!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Stupid Verizon Fios
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time for me....
Just because he goes out to work everyday, that means I have an easier job?!?!?! I think not, I dont get a break, Jayden is everywhere I go, and now I am soon to have 2 kids go everywhere I go. I can't remeber the last time I enjoyed a nice hot bubble bath that actually had water past my belly button!!! I always take one with Jayden, does Eric? Yeah, maybe once or twice, but its too much for him.
All I ask is to allow me to have some time by myself WITH NO ONE. Am I being too selfish?? I sometimes feel like it when I have nights like these. I get so fed up with the lazy ass that Eric can be that we end up in a yelling match. I try so hard not too, but my frustrations build up over time and I explode. Poor Jayden. I feel so bad for him, he shouldnt be subject to nights like these when they happen. I have no escape and Eric doesnt care .......
Saturday, November 15, 2008
It's a girl, now what?
Friday, November 14, 2008
The ultrasound reveals.........

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Long time , no.........blogging?
It was a nice little vacation seeing family up there. Especially seeing my 90 year old grandmother, who looked SO much better before we left than when we had first arrived. I will admit, I did break down a cry when I first saw her, she was on oxygen and was barely moving. BUT!!!! prayers are being anwsered somewhere and she not only looked, but Im sure felt fabulous on her birthday (Nov.9) My mom put together a great party at her nursing home, with most of the relatives there to celebrate! Grandma, was wide eyed and bushy tailed, and recalled everything the next day! It was such a relief to see her smile and remeber who Jayden and I was (at least I would like to think that :)
As for today.....After a long day yesterday of pretty much sitting at an airport then a 3 hours flight home, and then sitting in traffic on 275, I got up this morning, cleaned to house, minus the upstairs....and FINALLY tackled a pile of paper, old bills and unless junk that has been sitting next to my stove (I know....really safe, huh??) I am proud to say it is all cleared and free of a fire hazard!! :)
And for tomorrow....IT'S THE BIG DAY!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!! The moment of truth or at least we hope so. I have my ultrasound appointment at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Eric and Jayden and I will FFFFIINNNNAAALLLLYYY get to find out what we are having!!!! I have been praying for a little girl, so lets all hope it comes true. Here are the names we have picked out:
Boy- Kade Hunter
Girl- Madison Elizabeth
Most of my family refuse to really make any comments on the boys name, but I really like it. the fact that is unique (sp?). When we decieded on Jaydens name, it wasnt that popular, but now, you kinda see it everwhere or different versions of it at least. So I guess you can say I'm a trend setter. LOL
As for the girls name, everyone loves it, especially my mom, not only because it flows so nicely, but Elizabeth is my mothers middle name. I figure, Jayden's middle name is after my father, so why not include my momther in one?? :P Besides, my parents are like my heros, they have done so much for me over the years.
So until tomorrow......................
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Darn this time change!!!!!
So I have my "19" week check up to see how the 'lil bean is doing in there tomorrow. My last appointment he told me that I would be getting refered out for my ultrasound on this one, so Im hoping that maybe I can get that squeezed in before I leave for up north on Wed. We will see.
Eric comes home tomorrow! YAY! Im so ready for him to get back. I feel like I only sleep at home, the other 85% of the time I at my parents house, which basically I am.
Its going on a week since I have had all my windows open and a/c shut off!! Double YAY! I hated opening my electric bill and seeing $160 for last month. I guess I cant complain too much, we keep our air at 75 for that price. My moms house is would be like $300!! But they also have some other stuff that contributes too I guess.
Well Entourage is coming on in about 15 mins. so I suppose I am going to finish up my computer fun time and head on downstairs to fall asleep during my show. its a good thing for on demand!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Pictures
What I have come to realize
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Night

Jayden had refused to touch the "guts" but had a blast playing in them with the scrapper tool. LOL
Since I am dwindling down from the night I will be posting my pictures somtime this weekend once I transfer them from my camera, so for now, these are the ones that came from my phone. I hope everyone had a safe and fun halloween!!!
'Batman ready to fight crime for candy!'
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another quite night....alone

Sunday, October 26, 2008
I had my first crazy dream about the baby. I dreampt that I went to a doctors appt and come to find out I WAS having twins a boy and girl, well one of the babies was already gone (the girl) and the doctor had taken her out. The boy was fine and healthy so I remained pregnant. It was crazy..I would go more into detail, but its kinda dingy.
I was dead set that I was having a girl this time, but after last nights dream, I'm kinda thinking it was a sign I am having another boy......
Just weird....
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pumpkin time with a nice surprise!!!

Eric can't wait to carve it, he becomes such a kid this time of year.
O! And something eles that it exciting coming up...Jayden and I are going to be going up north with my mom in a couple weeks. We're going to be staying with my cousin which is great, I won't have to bring any kind of toys for Jayden cuz they have a 4 year old??? I cant remeber but, Im super excited, that everyone will be able to see him, since they last time they did he was only 4 months old. I'm also a little nervous with seeing my grandmother who will be 90 years old. She hasnt been doing to well in lately and her memory is very faint. But I guess thats what happens when you get old.
I remeber when I was in my child years, going up there for a couple weeks at a time during the summer. I always had so much fun, once I got over the fear of being there without my parents. hahaha. And too see her now, where she may not even really know or remeber who I am scares me. I know she doesn't really remeber who Jayden is even though my mom talks about him and stuff. Its gonna be hard when her time comes to cross the rainbow bridge, but I know she will finally be at peace with my grandfather.
Well I think its naptime for me, today and yesterday having been kicking me in the butt with bad dizzy spells and a nauseated feeling :( Until next time.......
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What a great dinner!!!
On another note, check out what just suddenly appeared on me:

Just wash my mouth out with soap
Monday, October 20, 2008
Todays the day!

Not too bad, right?? My hair has always looked pretty good in shades of red..... Other than playing beauty parlor, my weekend was pretty good. I took Jayden to the park with my sister and neice, then had somewhat of a night out collecting entrances fees for a band that my mom plays in. Then spent the day Sunday at my parents house, just goofing off. It was nice and relaxing, PLUS I was pain free!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gotta get through one more day!!!
We met up with my sister and neice at Lettuce Lake park earlier today and had a nice walk around. I must say, thats the most excersize I've had in a week. It was nice not being laid up on the couch in pain unable to care for my son. I know he enjoyed it. So know I am just trying to figure out what to do for the evening, I called one of my friends to see if her and her 2 daughters wanted to come over tonight, but her phone went straight to voice mail, so who knows. I would go see my other friend in Brandon which is a lil drive, but agian....with 1/4 tank of gas and .45 cents to my name, I dont think I would make it. This sucks having no acess to any money and I am going to demand it change when Eric gets home!! :P I was suppose to be going out this evening to help my mom's band collect money for entrance fees, but I have no one to watch Jayden, so out the door that goes.....
Well I think I am gonna go get on www.bored.com and find something to do until Jayden gets up from his nap....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A BAD few days
My dad, yeah, what can I say, you gotta love him and he means well, but his talks he gives me, just are at the wrong time. This morning, I was doubled over in pain and my dad sit down and all he can say is you need to relax and breath. UMMMM... I've been up since 4 am with this pain, and your trying to tell me to relax!?!?!? I dont understand, but who does sometimes.
Well I guess Jayden and I have once worn out our welcome at my parents house. My mom just came to me and said my dad is having a hard time focusing on work when Jayden cries and he is demanding too much attention from my mom, so I guess I will be heading home when he gets up from his nap and hope that the pain will only lessen from here.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Settling down from the day
I did decided to go over to my sister's house for dinner. I was a little apprehensive with this whole Joe thing going on, but like always, I bit my tounge and just delt with it. I really dont know how to act, I kinda felt like I was invading in his tv room, but o well, Jayden had fun seeing Sara and "auntie" so thats all that matters. O and did I mention? It was a painless evening of putting him down for bed!!! Only because he fell asleep on the way home :P Well I think my day/ night is ending, Im gonna head to bed soon!
Such an uncomfortable day...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Boredom has REALLY set in!
I was so out of my mind last night I started photographing my shadows on my bedroom wall.
Can you tell what it is??!?! It's a "naked" picture of my belly (at 15 weeks) I couldnt get it to focus any better, but I still thought it was kinda neat. Let me remind you, it was close to midnight here. And Im usually in bed by 10 or so when Eric is home.
I spoke to him a little earlier today and he said that one of the guys thats on this job site that is head of the installation department (same company) would like to offer him a job so instead of welding in the shop he would be out and about. The pay would be so much more, but he would also be traveling some. Not sure how much, but seriously, if I have extra money to go do stuff while he is gone, I would have no issues with this. I just told him we would talk about it when he got homeand a serious job offer was laid out on the table.... Well I guess Im going to end this one for right now, wish me luck that I find something productive to do!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cont. from Fridays confessions
So if your reading this, obviously you have noticed, what I have figured out to do with changing my background...pretty nifty, huh? Im sure it will be changed agian when I run out of things to do on the computer.... Night, night for now....I think Im going to force myself downstairs to go watch a movie.....................................ok, maybe a few more minuets on the computer! :x heehee
Friday's Confessions.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Weeks almost over....
Besides all that mess, I really miss Eric, its crazy to hear me say that because if you know us, you would think otherwise. Maybe its just me not wanting to be alone with a child, I don't know. But this whole just Jayden and I thing really sucks. I have no adult or escape time. Agian, he is glued to my hip, even when I take a shower.
I'm thinking of taking him to the zoo tomorrow just so we can get out and about. I really want to take him to ZooBoo, but I dont know how he would handle it, it still might be too much for him.
Well, I dont hear my dear child screaming anymore, my thoughts are he is really tired and gave up easy tonight (LET'S HOPE HE STAYS IN HIS ROOM ALL NIGHT!!!!!) So Im gonna say good-night and start watching my thursday night shows....And as I finish typing this my stupid dog started barking and made him start back up!!! EEERRRGGG!!! Im going to go downstairs anyways....no harm in letting him cry, right?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What a night...
Monday, October 6, 2008
First ultrasound!
*Sam- I will hold no resentment if ur gone...I would do it :P LOL
Friday, October 3, 2008
My very first blog :)
Im sitting here listening to my son, Jayden thrown something and kick the walls because he doesnt want to nap, so its starting to aggrivate me and I cant think! LOL I will say this whole 'stay at home mom' thing, just isnt for me, I would rather be working at a job and getting upset at co-workers than my own child....kinda takes the fun out of being a mother. Specially when, my job NEVER STOPS!!! Even when Im sick..Nope it doesnt matter, Eric gets to come home from a hard days work and relax, what do I do?????? Well I still tend to Jayden, the kid takes showers with me, goes to the bathroom to watch me pee!!! HEAVEN FORBID ERIC plays with him for 15 mins, so I can have some alone time without hearing a 22 month old scream at me because I've unglued him from my hip!!!! His excuse....."All you need to do is tell me." Um, hhheeelllooo, I just told you I was going to take a shower ALONE, you would think, thats code word, for 'Occupy Jayden, while I take a shower by myself....'
Hopefully this weekend, Eric and I will have a date night. WOO HOO NO KID!!! I got around 6 more months to have some what of a sane life, then it all goes up in smoke when the new baby comes. Hears hoping for a lil girl. I've come to realize after having Jayden, boys aren't as fun dressing up as I thought they would. O well.
Well I think thats enough for the first time...Im sure I will be a frequent blogger, so until next time......