How disappointing is that?!?! I had my 39 week appointment this morning. I have lost yet another told me to eat (WOOHOO!!). My blood pressure is still a little elevated, but he doesn't seem over concerned with it. So basically, I go to see him next Monday if baby still hasn't arrived and he will determine when to induce me. I was really hoping to go into labor on my own this time! HMP! Although he did give me the option to wait up to 2 weeks past my due date if I wanted to....NEGATIVE!! As much as it would probably be better, I want to get back to being me again!
Speaking of which....I now have another family living with me! If you remember reading an earlier blog about Eric's brother and family coming to stay with us....well, they showed up on my door step yesterday afternoon. I couldn't be any more ticked off at how inconvenient this is to me giving that I am having a newborn in a week!!! Eric doesn't care, at least he says he has no choice...we were they're last resort. Out of all their family and friends in SC...we are their last resort!!!! UGH! WHATEVER!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Offically ONE WEEK LEFT!
This past Monday I had my 38 week appointment. My doctor ordered another ultrasound and some lab work to rule out possibilities of pre-eclampsia. He doesn't think I have it, so I'm not overly concerned. Just tired of being dizzy, nauseous and weak...all the great things that come with pregnancy.
So Wednesday I went and had the ultrasound done. I got one good picture (38 weeks and 5 days along) of her showing a poutie face (she didn't look happy being jiggled around in there) Her head was wwaaaaayyy low so it made it hard to get good views of her. After all was said and done, the tech confirmed to me that she is already showing to be around 8 pounds!! I guess this shouldn't surprise me too much as Jayden was born 8 pounds 10 ounces. I was just hoping to not have to push out another almost 9 pound baby again! I guess I just bake big babies!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Still counting the days.
Well I have 15 days left till my due date for this baby. I am beginning to think I will have to be induced yet again, to get this child out! I am miserable and ready. Alot has been going on in my household between trying to "evicted" this baby out with walking, jumping jacks..etc..(which by the way is "think" is all a hoaks!) and trying to take care of a DEMANDING 2 year old, then of course you also have the husband who has started to become a pain in my rear for no odd reason at all! So, other than that...I'm glad to have my household back however, Eric has been talking about letting his brother and family come stay with us until they can get on their feet....I am REFUSING to let this happen!! We are now living in a small 1300?? sq ft home. Its plenty big for OUR family, but no more.
For some odd reason, Eric seems to think it is his job to help and rescue people we know in need. UGH.. I am starting to see this as a down fall of his. We have help a few different people/ families on different occasions. We just don't have the room right now. Nor do I have the patience with having more kids (they have a 4 yr old son and 7 mo old daughter) living in the same household as well as having a newborn. I am already worried about how I am going to juggle Jayden and the baby by myself. Enough about my rants and raves.
For some odd reason, Eric seems to think it is his job to help and rescue people we know in need. UGH.. I am starting to see this as a down fall of his. We have help a few different people/ families on different occasions. We just don't have the room right now. Nor do I have the patience with having more kids (they have a 4 yr old son and 7 mo old daughter) living in the same household as well as having a newborn. I am already worried about how I am going to juggle Jayden and the baby by myself. Enough about my rants and raves.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Its the little things in life

Like getting a brand spankin' new washer and dryer that makes me smile from ear to ear! Eric finally gave in to me and my whining. Saturday we went and picked out a very "high-tech" set. Its not the front loaders that I really wanted, but this is darn close to them!! He ended up getting me the Maytag 'Bravo'. Looks just like the one in the picture, but we got it in black! I am on on load #4 since getting them this afternoon. I never thought doing laundry would be so much fun! hahaha! (The newness just hasn't worn off yet) I will admit that I am mystfied at how they get so clean. It doesn't have your normal agitator in it like the others do, so I'm not used to it (and its quite fun to watch since it has a glass top on it!)
Friday, March 13, 2009
They do exsist!!!
I'm talking about my extending family!!! It's been over 3 years since I have met Eric and never met ANY of his family (they all live in S.C.) Well Wednesday night, his brother, wife and 2 kids came down and are staying with us until Sunday. His brother decided he wanted to look for a job here and move. So Jayden has been busy busy busy playing with his cousin :) who is 4 years old! I haven't seen him so happy to be playing with another boy around his age. It's cute. Although I will say, my house is chaotic with everyone home and is very cramped, but I am so glad I finally got to meet my brother/ sister-in-law!! Right now I am sitting in a somewhat peaceful house because they went to go apply for some more jobs.
I do have to admit....I have become ocd with cleaning (I am blaming this all on my pregnancy still...just like eating a whole box of girl scout cookies in one setting..LOL) Enough about that, Jayden is demanding I read yet another book to him....
I do have to admit....I have become ocd with cleaning (I am blaming this all on my pregnancy still...just like eating a whole box of girl scout cookies in one setting..LOL) Enough about that, Jayden is demanding I read yet another book to him....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I thought the other night was a one time deal. Well, I was wrong. Evidently, these hormones that are making me angry at the world, have yet to leave my side. Let me recap some of my experiences....
So Eric hasn't been to work since last Thurs (when he left early in the morning) Called out Friday, Monday and today, Tuesday. I, ME, MYSELF....ONLY ME...has busted my butt to get this house unpacked and organized. While lazy bones, played his stupid computer game and watched tv! UGH! He kept telling me he would help me...UH WHEN?!?!?!? When I'm all done?? Well I guess so, I pretty much unpacked everything except a box full of clothes and that's only because I can't lift it myself and Eric has yet to get it for me. So whatever.
Now, to top off my evening tonight, my son decided he wasn't ready to go to bed when it was time (he was over tired from not having a nap today) so after numerous attempts to keep him in his room, the final one was letting him cry himself to sleep.....Big mistake! I listened to him crying "mommy" for about 7 minuets, then he started banging on the door. I went in there and gave him a spanking (he knows better). When I went to lay him down, that's when it happened....He had worked himself up so much he threw up about a gallon of water which appeared to have vienna sausages (processed meat stick as I call them..YUK!) and cookies mixed in with it. This was ongoing puke for about 5 minuets. I called Eric in to reprieve me, cuz I was about to lose my dinner in the process. PLUS, he needed to do some work around the house for once. HAHAHAHA! He ended up cleaning the nastiness up while I put fresh pj's on him and had a talk with Jayden about what just happen and why. Which I think either sunk in or he just exhausted himself that much, cuz I laid him back in his bed, kissed him goodnight and haven't seen or heard a peep out of him since. :)
Hopefully tomorrow will be better then the last few!
So Eric hasn't been to work since last Thurs (when he left early in the morning) Called out Friday, Monday and today, Tuesday. I, ME, MYSELF....ONLY ME...has busted my butt to get this house unpacked and organized. While lazy bones, played his stupid computer game and watched tv! UGH! He kept telling me he would help me...UH WHEN?!?!?!? When I'm all done?? Well I guess so, I pretty much unpacked everything except a box full of clothes and that's only because I can't lift it myself and Eric has yet to get it for me. So whatever.
Now, to top off my evening tonight, my son decided he wasn't ready to go to bed when it was time (he was over tired from not having a nap today) so after numerous attempts to keep him in his room, the final one was letting him cry himself to sleep.....Big mistake! I listened to him crying "mommy" for about 7 minuets, then he started banging on the door. I went in there and gave him a spanking (he knows better). When I went to lay him down, that's when it happened....He had worked himself up so much he threw up about a gallon of water which appeared to have vienna sausages (processed meat stick as I call them..YUK!) and cookies mixed in with it. This was ongoing puke for about 5 minuets. I called Eric in to reprieve me, cuz I was about to lose my dinner in the process. PLUS, he needed to do some work around the house for once. HAHAHAHA! He ended up cleaning the nastiness up while I put fresh pj's on him and had a talk with Jayden about what just happen and why. Which I think either sunk in or he just exhausted himself that much, cuz I laid him back in his bed, kissed him goodnight and haven't seen or heard a peep out of him since. :)
Hopefully tomorrow will be better then the last few!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
So today has been the first time I have been able to actually relax since we moved into our new home. Thursday night was the first night we stayed here and I will admit, it was nice to be back in my own king size bed with room to stretch with my 'heaven sent' body pillow!!! Eric and a friend of his rushed Tuesday night to get everything out of storage so we weren't force to pay any more on our storage unit. But back to today.....It has been just 'one of those days' Everything has just made me grumpy and irritable. My back, feet and calves have been KILLING me. The pregnancy mixed in with unpacking boxes, occupying Jayden has really started to take a toll on my body. This morning, we went to the mall to meet up with a friend and I told Eric my feet and back were hurting and I really didn't feel like walking around. His response...."Walk around it will make you feel better" So reluctantly, I walked some. We had to cut it short (thank gawd!) cuz Jayden's diaper was so wet it started leaking through and I forgot to bring extra diapers..OPPS! So we leave, Eric starts to put Jayden in his seat and I guess the seat belt was positioned wrong and jabbed him in the back and my poor little man screamed bloody murder...Well that's what set me off. I sort of went off on Eric and how he needs to be more careful. Well he spats out a few comments to me, and I go into full hyperventilation mode. I thought I was going to pass out from not being able to catch my breath. So what is Eric's reaction??!?!?! He starts laughing!!!! Mother f-er, STARTS LAUGHING at a hysterically crying pregnant lady!!! And he tells me to relax.....
I finally calm myself down and he apologizes..Ok, fine, I accept. So now, we went through the drive through to get some lunch. By this time is 12:30, I have yet to eat ANYTHING and I am starved! So we get our food and Eric ended up ordering an extra fries with chili on it, so I figure he got extra, I can start eating some...what happens?!?!? He yells at me and tells me to stop eating his food!! WTF!!! I put it back and ignore him. Now, we get home and something else happens on top of the food incident (I cant remember now, so it obviously wasn't important) and I start hyperventilating again.....I still haven't eaten any of my lunch that we got, since Eric made me feel like a fat cow for eating some of his fries. Finally, I got over it and ate my lunch in my bedroom away from him seeing me, but today, has just been rough to say the least.
I finally calm myself down and he apologizes..Ok, fine, I accept. So now, we went through the drive through to get some lunch. By this time is 12:30, I have yet to eat ANYTHING and I am starved! So we get our food and Eric ended up ordering an extra fries with chili on it, so I figure he got extra, I can start eating some...what happens?!?!? He yells at me and tells me to stop eating his food!! WTF!!! I put it back and ignore him. Now, we get home and something else happens on top of the food incident (I cant remember now, so it obviously wasn't important) and I start hyperventilating again.....I still haven't eaten any of my lunch that we got, since Eric made me feel like a fat cow for eating some of his fries. Finally, I got over it and ate my lunch in my bedroom away from him seeing me, but today, has just been rough to say the least.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A fresh start
Eric and I got the keys to our new house On Sunday! Today we officially got all our stuff moved in, although we won't be staying there until Friday evening. The majority of the stuff is sitting in the garage. My nesting mode has hit in high gears since we have switched homes. It's driving my crazy!!! I want to head back over there and finish setting up the nursery, but theres only so much I can do. I am sporting the "buddha" belly. I can no longer see my feet. I pee literally every 20 minuets, so needless to say, I am SO ready for our baby girl to arrive!
This past saturday I had my baby shower. It was nice. Small, but nice. So today, I have been washing all of lil girls clothes, getting ready for her arrival. Only 4 more weeks till my due date!! hopefully she will arrive a few weeks earlier!! :P
This past saturday I had my baby shower. It was nice. Small, but nice. So today, I have been washing all of lil girls clothes, getting ready for her arrival. Only 4 more weeks till my due date!! hopefully she will arrive a few weeks earlier!! :P
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