I was admitted into L&D at 7:45pm on the7th to st
art the induction process. Meaning, they would give me cervadil to soften things up, then at 6 am on the 8th I would get pitocin to start contractions. The good Lord had different plans! At 9:15 pm I was given the cervadil. My nurse warned me it would make me crampy and she would be willing to give me a sleeping pill to help me get some rest for the evening. I declined the sleeping pill at the moment and decided to watch some tv. By 10 pm, I was having contractions and asked the nurse if I could get something to ease them. She gave me the sleeping pill and hooked my IV fluids up. Over the course of 15 minuets, I told her my contractions were getting stronger and I needed pain medication. She checked me and I was 4cm dilated, she made an unsuccessful attempt to take the cervadil out to slow down the contractions. 20 minuets later, another nurse came in to take it out and noticed, I jumped up to 8cm dilated. All I can remember was the room went from calm to hectic, Eric asked if he should call my mom and they told him to wait, at that moment, my water had broke and they gave him the go ahead to get her down here and to call my doctor in asap! They ordered my epidural (which I was BEGGING for by now) After attempting to get it in between contractions, I was told to lay down to be check. I was 10cm dilated, but the nurse told me I need to hold out a few more minuets as they were still waiting on my doctor to arrive. A few seconds later my mom walked in. (Can you believe she made it there BEFORE my doctor!?!?! LOL) Soon after that, the doc arrived. FINALLY!!! I gave 6 good pushes and Payton Elizabeth came out crying like a champ at 12:19 am!! Weighing in at 8 pounds, 13.5 ounces and 21" long! She passed Jayden up in weight when he was born (he was 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 21" long) Needless to say, I pretty much had her without any medication...My epidural didn't take effect until AFTER she was here. Thinking of the experience now, I can HONESTLY say any woman who can give birth drug free....more props to you!!! I don't recommend it!!! IT HURTS!!!! :P But my sweet little girl was worth it. She looks just like Jayden but with dark hair and resembles her daddy in so many ways!!! My family is now complete with my son and daughter!

1 comment:
Congrats Jenn..the wait is finally over..welcome to the world Payton!
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